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  Developer-roadmap: htt ps://   T ech-interview-handbook : Free-programming-books-langs:  

Higher package   There are so many IT/ Software companies that pay more than Rs. One Lakh per month. Getting one lakh means an annual package of about Rs. 15 Lacs. Almost all of my friends in software are getting more than this, ranging from 15L to 30L. Typically any company or a startup that has raised a funding of USD 5 million (35 Crores) is able to hire software developers, testers for more than 15 L of package. Following are the examples of a few such companies - Uber, Ola, Flipkart, Amazon, PayTM, Mobiqwik, Oyo Rooms, MakeMyTrip, Clear Trip, Ibibo, Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Grofers, Big Basket, Rivigo, Healthify, PayU, RazorPay, Zapr, Swiggy, Zomato, Hike, Tapzo, Deutsche Bank, Oracle, etc. and the list goes on. Examples from companies paying at non IT roles, Godrej, Western Union, McKinsey & Company, BCG, TCS, Ola, Flipkart, Amazon, PayTM, etc. There are many more. Since I'm from Software b


 sorting as array of associative array.....using the value of perticular key: In ascending order: usort( $inventory , function ( $item1 , $item2 ) { return $item1 [ 'price' ] <=> $item2 [ 'price' ]; }); In descending order   usort( $inventory , function ( $item1 , $item2 ) { return $item2 [ 'price' ] <=> $item1 [ 'price' ]; });     Other solution : array_multisort(array_column( $inventory , 'price' ), SORT_DESC, $inventory ); If you want Case Insensitive Sort on strings, you can use SORT_NATURAL|SORT_FLAG_CASE array_multisort(array_column( $inventory , 'key_name' ), SORT_DESC, SORT_NATURAL|SORT_FLAG_CASE, $inventory );       count occurrences of values in an associative array in php $employees = array ( 1 => array ( 'name' => 'Jason Alipala' , 'employee_id' => 'G1001-05' , 'position' => 1 ), 2 => array (

Node Basics

                                                                 Event Loop Node                                      Single Thread , Event loop & Blocking code                                                                Basic wrap up           

General info - 6350958828e0b

 Add new column of id : ALTER TABLE spam_alter_email  ADD `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY FIRST ; exporting large db with ternimal : mysqldump --max_allowed_packet=1024M -u root -p database > dumpfile.sql   /home/rajeshwar/Videos/Cluster_query/2023-10-06/Cluster_New_update     Gravtar logo :  load data from file into database : LOAD DATA INFILE '/home/export_file.csv' INTO TABLE table_name FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '/n' IGNORE 1 ROWS; download large set of databse : mysqldump -h -u root -p spam_alter > database-dump-alter.sql Note for all this : 1: we have to modify max_upload_file_size , memory_size in the php.ini file. 2:php.ini file lives under the composer folder and then php version folder.   plocation key : 2c0bc0ca84f049c9ac43848eb0189e30 URL : $ip = '' '